Newcastle University – UNEW

Newcastle University – UNEW ( is a research intensive university and a member of the prestigious Russell Group, comprising 24 leading research institutions in the UK. Newcastle University is ranked in the top 1% of universities in the world (QS World University Rankings 2014) and in the top 50 in the world in the latest International Student Barometer (2013). The University also has one of the largest European Union research portfolios in the UK (around 235 FP7 projects worth over €100million to the university). The UNEW team comprises of staff from Newcastle University Business School and the Centre for Rural Economy (CRE). Newcastle University Business School holds triple accreditation status (from AMBA, EQUIS and AACSB), placing it in the top 1% of Business schools globally. CRE is a University Research Centre located in the School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development (AFRD). It specialises in interdisciplinary social science and applied policy research oriented towards the achievement of sustainable development in rural areas. Its research is organised around three key themes: Rural Development; Food and Society; and Science and Technology Studies in Food and Environment. CRE’s contribution to research into sustainable rural economies and societies was recognised with the award of a Queen’s Anniversary Prize in 2014. These are awarded by the Royal Anniversary Trust and honour work of outstanding importance and quality in higher and further education in the UK. The Newcastle team has extensive experience of participation in, and management of, large-scale research projects funded by the European Union as well as national research councils, governments and regional development agencies.

UNEW will contribute to various WPs related to the empirical analysis of food supply chains, transportation and logistics modelling, consumer analysis, dissemination and impact activities. methodology supply chain analysis consumer behaviour, dissemination and impact. This fits with the expertise of the UNEW team who collectively have experience of being involved in 10 EU-funded agri-food/rural research projects, including in management roles. This includes work on the competitiveness and sustainability of agri-food supply chains. Team members have substantial involvement in multi-disciplinary projects, funded both by the EU and the UK research councils. The team holds and editorial positions in relevant journals (e.g. Journal of Agricultural Economics, EuroChoices) as well as having published in leading journals relevant to the topic (Food Policy, Supply Chain Management).

The UNEW Team

Prof. Matthew Gorton

(male) has 20 years of academic research experience in agri-food supply chains, acting as a principal investigator on three EU projects (COMPETE, FOCUS BALKANS, SCARLED) and co-ordinator of H2020 project Strength2Food. He has published over 20 articles in highly ranked journals (ABS2015 journal rankings). He is an associate editor of the Journal of Agricultural Economics and member of the editorial board for Studies in Agricultural Economics and Journal of Integrated Agriculture. He has also undertaken research for DG AGRI, EU Parliament, World Bank, FAO and OECD.

Dr. Carmen Hubbard

(female) is a Senior lecturer in Rural Economy. Trained as an agricultural economist she has substantial experience in EU-funded projects (e.g. SCARLED, WELFARE QUALITY, COMPETE, ECONWELFARE and EDORA) and other regional/national projects. She sits on the Executive Board of the Agricultural Economics Society and the EuroChoices review and on two regional stakeholders steering groups, the North East Farming and Rural Advisory Network and the North East Rural Growth Network. She is an associate editor of the Journal of Agricultural Economics and member of the editorial board for Studies in Agricultural Economics. She has also undertaken research for the OECD, EU Parliament and the World Bank. She has significant interdisciplinary experience working with natural and social scientists across various disciplines. She has published in leading journals such as Food Policy, Environment and Planning C, Regional Studies, Animal Welfare and Veterinary Record. She was CRE Research Manager between 2009 and 2014.

Prof. Fred Lemke

(male) is Visiting Researcher at Newcastle University working for VALUMICS project. He is Full Professor of Marketing and Sustainability at Vlerick Business School. He has published in high impact academic journals, including the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science and Journal of Operations Management, Journal of Product Innovation Management International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Supply Chain Management – An International Journal, Journal of Industrial Ecology. He won the IJPDLM Emerald Literati Award for Excellence Price for one of his papers. Fred currently co-authors a book on Sustainability and Marketing and is also a coediting a book on Supply Chain Management. He was Director of Research at Newcastle University Business School.

Dr. Gu Pang

(female) is Visiting Researcher at Newcastle University working for VALUMICS project. She is Senior Lecturer in Procurement and Operations Management at the University of Birmingham, Department of Management. Her research interests lie in sustainable supply chains, reverse logistics/ closed-loop supply chains, optimisation, continuous approximation, modelling, vehicle routing, inventory routing and transportation management. She has been engaged in high-impact research which focuses on designing algorithms and applying sustainability strategies to solve transportation problems. She has presented her research at international Operations Research/ Management Science/ Operations Management conferences and published in leading international OR/MS/OM journals (most of which are 3* ABS2015 journal rankings).

Dr. Paulus Aditjandra

(male) has been researching transportation and logistics studies for over 10 years. He joined Newcastle University Business School in 2017 as Research Associate to work on VALUMICS project. Previously, he has contributed to various EU research funded projects in themes including ‘urban freight economics’ and ‘urban transport systems’ and ‘freight green corridors’.  He has experience of quantitative micro and macro transport econometric modelling approach as well as qualitative transport and logistics research.

Dr. Arijit De

(male) is currently working as a Lecturer in Operations Management at Newcastle University Business School, Newcastle University. Prior to this, he was associated as a visiting researcher with the School of Business and Economics, Loughborough University. Arijit also worked as a Research Scholar with the Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur. Arijit was also associated as a Research Assistant with the Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering, The University of Hong Kong.
