Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies – IAMO

Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies – IAMO (www.iamo.de), established in 1994, is a foundation under public law that provides applied research in agricultural economics, trains scholars, and acts as a forum for scientific exchange. IAMO investigates the development of agri-food sectors and rural areas, particularly in the New Member States of the European Union, candidates and potential candidate countries, as well as other transition issues in countries and regions in Central Asia, and China. Research at IAMO focuses on policy reform and institutional change, the development of agricultural markets, and structural changes in rural areas regarding agricultural and food enterprises. Particular emphasis is placed on changes caused by transition. IAMO has recently collaborated on many European projects that focus on structural change in rural areas, agriculture, farms and agri-food supply chains. For example, IAMO coordinates an interdisciplinary project: Global Food Security and Grain Markets in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan (GERUKA). Also, IAMO is coordinating large EU (FP 7) projects such as: International comparison of product chains in the agrofood sectors: determinants of their competitiveness and performance on EU and international markets (COMPETE); Exploring the potential of agricultural and biomass trade in the Commonwealth of Independent States (AGRICISTRADE). IAMO has been a partner in AgriPolicy Network under FP7 as well as other FP6 Projects including: MEA-Scope; IDEMA; and FOODCOMM. In addition, IAMO manages several projects funded by national sources (e.g. German Research Council or Volkswagen Foundation).

IAMO is leading WP5 on upstream and downstream food chain analysis and will contribute to the work of other WPs. The main involvement will be within the WP5 where IAMO is responsible for the tasks: 5.4 Food supply chain organisation, price formation and market power; 5.5 Persistence of supply chain relations; 5.6 Economies of scale and technical change along the food supply chains. Furthermore, IAMO will be directly involved in data collection (e.g. surveys), and will actively support other WPs concerning modelling, scenarios creation, and dissemination of the results.

The IAMO Team

Prof. Dr. Thomas Glauben

(male) – IAMO team leader Thomas Glauben is the Director of IAMO and Professor for Agricultural Markets at the University of Halle-Wittenberg. His research focuses on agricultural and food markets in European and Asian Transition Economies. He is inter alia a member of the REAP Center at Stanford University, the CIS Agricultural Trade Expert Network (ATnet) of the FAO and in several editorial boards. He has taught several classes in agricultural, food, resource and consumption economics.

Dr. Ivan Djuric

(male), WP5 leader Ivan Djuric works on several projects related to the agricultural trade and governmental policy interventions in the EU and CIS countries. His research focus is on market integration, price transmission and agricultural trade policy. He has broad research project management skills and currently works as a WP leader in the project “Exploring the potential for agricultural and biomass trade in the Commonwealth of Independent States (AGRICISTRADE)”. He is a member of the CIS Agricultural Trade Expert Network (ATnet) of the FAO.

Dr. Tinoush Jamali Jaghdani

(male) Tinoush Jamali Jaghdani joined IAMO as Research Associate in the framework of the STARLAP project in October 2016. He is a responsible researcher for VALUMICS since September 2017. He has consultancy experience in his background for World Bank, FAO (water issues) and national level, research in EU Framework Programme 7 (FP7) on food price volatility (ULYSSES project) and teaching experience at MSc levels on agricultural trade. His current research focus are on food price volatility, water-food-energy nexus and other agricultural market issues.

Miranda Svanidze

(female), works on research projects related to the agricultural trade and governmental policy interventions in CIS countries. Her research focus is on market integration, price transmission and agricultural trade policy.

PD Dr. habil. Linde Götz

(female) Linde Götz is Deputy Head of the Department of Agricultural Markets. Her research focuses on policy interventions in agricultural and food markets in the EU and CIS countries. She is project manager of the interdisciplinary research project “Global Food Security and Grain Markets in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan (GERUKA)”. She has taught classes in agricultural economics on Bachelor-Master, and PhD level. Dr. Linde Götz is a member of the CIS Agricultural Trade Expert Network (ATnet) of the FAO.

Dr. Oleksandr Perekhozhuk

(male) works on the field of industrial organization, international trade, applied econometrics, microeconomic analysis and new empirical industrial organization (NEIO). He coordinates the project “The Global Food Crisis – Impact on Wheat Markets and Trade in the Caucasus and Central Asia and the Role of Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine”. He has a broad experience in lecturing classes on Bachelor-Master and PhD level, and in organizing summer schools for the participants from the CIS countries.

Dr. Inna Levkovych

(female) works on international agri-food trade, agricultural policy and competitiveness issues. She focuses on the analysis of trade relations, agricultural and trade policy and competitiveness of agri-food supply chains in CIS countries. She works on several international projects and has expertise in research project management.

Prof. Dr. Heinrich Hockmann

(male) is Deputy Head of the Department of Agricultural Markets. His research focuses on the estimation of agricultural productivity and efficiency in the EU and CIS countries. He is a project coordinator of the international research project “International comparisons of product supply chains in the agro-food sectors: determinants of their competitiveness and performance on EU and international markets (COMPETE)”. He has taught classes in agricultural policies, growth theory and industrial organization on Bachelor-, Master- and PhD level.

Sina Lehmann

(female)Sina Lehmann joined IAMO in January 2018 as a staff member for press and public relations in the Administration Department. Previously, she studied cultural management and English and worked as public relations manager at Naumburg Cathedral for several years