Here below are the conference proceedings

The VALUMICS project hosted a final conference event on 21 September 2021 to present overall key results and open further dialogue on the findings and possible policy directed implications. Key findings from the VALUMICS project on the functioning of European food value chains and their impacts on more sustainable, resilient, fairer, and transparent food system were presented at the final conference. The functioning of food value chains entails a complex organisation from farm to fork which is characterised by various governance forms and externalities which have shaped the overall food system. VALUMICS explored the interconnections of the case studies selected (wheat, dairy, beef, salmon and tomato) and results demonstrated the need to view the food system as a whole.

Welcome speech from EC Project Officer – Natalia BRZEZINA Research and Innovation Unit, DG AGRI

VALUMICS project work and research outcomes – Sigurdur Bogason UoI VALUMICS Project Co-ordinator

Food chain organisation economics – Ivan Duric IAMO

Food Industry Business Profitability – Matthew Gorton UNEW

Food Chain Impact: Market Matters – Nicholas M. Holden UCD

Modelling work and user dashboard – Seán McGarraghy UCD

Designing effective solutions for more sustainable food consumption. How can consumer insights support such processes? Arlind Xhelili – CSCP

Retailers Perspectives from REWE International – Jan Doerrich

Tomato value chain governance and productivity dynamics: the multi-actor perspective – Antonella Samoggia UNIBO & Lukas Cechura CZU

Transition Pathways and Policy Challenges: The case of the dairy and wheat value chains – Elise Huber IDDRI

Transition pathways for the farmed salmon value chain – Nina Saviolidis UoI

Data needs for research & transparency lock-ins – Pierre-Marie Aubert IDDRI

Policies and governance impacting upon food value chain dynamics: some messages for the EU’s Farm to Fork Strategy – David Barling UH

EU policy and R&I perspectives for sustainable food systems – Natalia BRZEZINA Research and Innovation Unit, DG AGRI

The EAT-Lancet scenario and the questions it raises for food system dynamicsFabrice DeClerck Scientific Director at the EAT Foundation

Conference Video in full length; presentations, Q&A, polls.

The VALUMICS results obtained through application of a suite of tools highlights the various impacts and explored how foresight scenarios and transition pathways may influence fairness, integrity, sustainability, and resilience of food value chains. Policy and governance analysis, mapping of material and information flows, life cycle assessments, economic analysis and modelling approaches have been developed. This includes optimised logistics, and simulation of risk & resilience and fairness in terms of fair value distribution in the chain. Finally, consumer behaviour studies provided further insights. Co-creation methodology has enabled active participation of food value chain actors in the project work, and this has added value to the findings. VALUMICS engaged the audience participating in the Final Conference event and advised all interested in the understanding of food value chain dynamics to save the date and register for the event.