Stakeholder events

Workshops, Events and Conferences

VALUMICS WP8 French stakeholder workshops
25.03.2020/ 10.04.2020 / 12.06.2020

The VALUMICS foresight exercise

To support this process, the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI) conducted three stakeholder workshops between March and June 2020 to gather collective expert insight on the various hypotheses associated to each ‘transition pathway’ for the French wheat and dairy supply chains.

Future Scenario Workshop

Towards a sustainable European Food System: implications for Food Value Chains?

The stakeholder workshop took place in Brussels, Belgium 19 November 2019. The purpose of the workshop was to introduce the VALUMICS Value Chain Scenarios. The stakeholders were presented with the question: "How could / should European food value chains (FVC) be transformed in terms of their structure, governance, business models, etc., to accompany a transition towards a truly sustainable, fairer and more resilient European food system?"

VALUMICS Stakeholder Workshop

IDDRI, France, 17/09/19

In the VALUMICS project, IDDRI works at the interface between multiple work packages, while focusing on the wheat-to-bread and dairy-to-milk supply chains. In line with its WP8 activities (scenario development), IDDRI organized a workshop on 17 September 2019 which gathered
50 stakeholders from the French food and agricultural sector.

In the VALUMICS project, IDDRI works at the interface between multiple work packages, while focusing on the wheat-to-bread and dairy-to-milk supply chains. In line with its WP8 activities (scenario development), IDDRI organized a workshop on 17 September 2019 which gathered
50 stakeholders from the French food and agricultural sector.

The objective of this workshop was two-fold:

1- Develop hypotheses on the potential transformations of the wheat-to-bread and dairy-to-milk supply chains in various contexts (civil society-led to market-led scenarios) in order to analyse their impact on jobs and revenues. To this end, the key parameters addressed included: production systems, product mix and the agri-food industry network.

2- Identify policy options to support sustainable, fair and resilient food value chains

Regional Wheat to Bread Case Study Workshop

Paris, France 13.11.2018

The main objective of the workshop was to characterize current dynamics in the wheat sector and value chain in the Ile de France region and identify the main issues to strengthen the sustainability of the sector

National stakeholder Interest Network

Oslo, 19th September 2018

The main objective of the workshop was to discuss the definitions of sustainability, resilience and integrity in context of different food value chains and understand how these are measured in these value chains.

The discussion rounds during the workshop were aimed on defining key indicators that can be used to measure the performance of Norwegian food value chains with respect to
sustainability, integrity and resilience. The discussions gave a better understanding of the food industry's measures to improve the current state of food value chains and tackle the challenges connected to these three priority areas.

Regional Dairy Stakeholder Workshop

Trévarez, France 26.06.2018

The main objective of the workshop was to characterise current dynamics in the dairy sector and identify the main issues to strengthen the sustainability of the sector. The programme included presentation of preliminary results by the IDDRI-VALUMICS team (30 minutes) followed by discussions.

Section One: Income maintenance / resilience

The discussions were divided into the three topics:
1. How long will Europe be able to contribute around €20,000 per Breton farm? Indeed, in livestock farming: a large part of the income is made up of CAP aid, how can income be maintained in the context of a downward trend in aid?
2. Concerning public aid: will those who strengthen their position in productivity and competition really be able to be paid by the market? (In so far as this is not currently the case since, they are very largely dependent on public subsidies).
3. Concerning insurance: for some participants, this is already "a first step towards reducing public aid to private insurance companies", which would be a different form of governance if it were to take the form of a collectively managed mutual fund (but this is not the advanced model)

VALUMICS online webinar: Putting Solutions on the Table

EAS TALK with Valumics co-ordination Sigurdur Bogason

VALUMICS online webinar: Raising awareness about food system dynamics

VALUMICS EAT@Home: Putting Solutions in the shopping basket

VALUMICS online webinar: Towards a sustainable EU food system: challenges and conditions of a protein transition